Just the fact that this weekend was planned with many events, I truly haven't done a thing, but veg out in front of the TV, other than the occasional walk with my new pup. I have had plenty of time to sort through my thoughts and feelings. Made me realize just how much I am missing out on right now. Don't get me wrong, I needed the rest & the peace and quiet of just me, myself and I (OK, plus the puppy of course). But I came to the conclusion that I was only tormenting myself over waiting to hear from someone who doesn't have the same intentions that I have. And then, it hit me, it was right in front of me the entire time, just took me a while to see it.
After many several failed attempts over the past 3 days of coming up with new posts for this blog, which I later deleted due to the fact that they weren't meant to be read by anyone else at the moment. But I did at least get my feelings off of my chest, even if I was the only one to read them, lol. It helped me to understand how I was truly feeling on the inside. I was mentally blocked from posting anything for the past 3 weeks, just didn't have it in me. I needed a sign, a revelation, some sort of inspiration to give me that final push to sit back down here and let the words flow thru my fingertips.
I had talked to a good friend just last night, a former classmate that I had reconnected with on Facebook, discussing her recent good fortune. I was so overjoyed, that it simply brought me to tears that someone else's prayers had finally been answered. It had given me a sense of hope, that God is truly listening. That even though we struggle and often complain about why things don't seem to go our way, that God isn't listening to us or perhaps punishing us for some strange reason, that only HE knows about. God does have a sense of humor, ya know. I had just finished repeating my own words to this very dear friend, "everything happens in God's time, and that everything happens for a reason". And it does. Although, we ultimately make the choices and decisions, HE has the journey already mapped out for us, HE has the entire story already written out on paper. We just have to keep the faith and follow his lead. It is so obvious some times, that we are oblivious to it. As plain as the nose on our face, it is sitting right there in front of us, all we have to do is reach out and grab it. 'Take that leap and soar towards the sky', I told her. She has been like my guardian angel, whenever I needed her most, she has always showed up just out of the blue. Maybe it is God speaking thru her, giving her the words of wisdom that I needed to hear at that very moment. Inspiring me to follow my heart, to listen to my soul & trust in it's guidance.
Inspiration comes in many forms, and I am lucky enough to have seen it not once, not twice, but three times this weekend. I was so consumed by the suggestions by my friends who keep telling me what I should and shouldn't do, and I appreciate their help so much, but ultimately it is my decision to make, not theirs. I was waiting for a sign, some hint of acknowledgement that someone was out there, interested in me as much as I was interested in them. I believe I have gotten that sign I was looking for. Will it turn into something more, only time will tell. But it's a start, and inspires me to keep believing & to keep hoping that my prayers are being heard and will someday be answered. That God is listening and working on my future. I've gotta be patient and just let it happen, to let fate takes it course.
To all my friends, family and fellow readers out there, thank you so much for your continued support and understanding. You will never know how much it truly means to me that someone is out there listening & believing right along with me. {{{BIG *BEARHUGS* TO YOU ALL}}}
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