Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Taking a new direction ==>

Hard to believe we are coming up on the 3rd month of 2012 already...WOW, how time does fly!!  But it has been a wild ride thus far, some fun, some not so fun, well worth it none the less.  I am finding myself these days taking a look at my personal life and the people who surround me & found that I needed to make some very serious changes.  My new motto is:  "If you find that you are not happy with life or the way things are going, then make the necessary changes til you are happy!" 

I have had to make some drastic tweaks to my friends list on Facebook, things were getting out of control, and a lot of useless drama was being pursued in and around me that had to be stopped.  As I have no use for it & never have.  I made no warning that this was gonna happen, or as to why it was happening, but it happened regardless.  Needless to say, 75+/- UN-friends later, I am starting to feel a little better about myself.  Ain't it funny, how when you are in a bad mood, other people want to egg you on and encourage your anger to the point of doing something so extreme, that they end up..., well, mama always said, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!  ;~}

So, on to my next adventure... getting my lazy butt back into the gym.  I need to get back into a routine, something to keep me occupied & a great way to relieve some stress.  Also, spring is approaching fast, which means I can finally get out and start working in the yard again (my favorite past time).
And I am even more determined to start keeping this blog more up to date on my process as I continue to lose weight & get myself back into a better shape & healthier lifestyle (not to mention healthier frame of mind).  In the days ahead, I will work on setting some personal goals & achievements that I can strive to accomplish.  Thanks again for tuning in and reading.  Any and all suggestions are always welcome, along with positive words of encouragement.     ~BEAR HUGS  ;O)


  1. I so look up to your Eric, for being such a strong individual! You are a amazing friend, even if I only see you a couple times a year! We have that kind of bond, or I feel it! I wished we could hang out more often, you always put a smile on my face! I love you, and I am proud of you for getting rid of negativity in your life! I wish you the best of luck with getting fit and even more sexy! ;) (((((HUGS)))))

  2. Sounds like you got a good thing going here! Keep it up.
