No regrets. Sure, I've done some things in my life that I'm not happy with, everyone's done or had at least one thing to happen in their lives that they weren't happy about, but there isn't one of those things that I would change if I could. No one said life was easy, there's no user's guide or help desk. Things happen, some we don't want to happen, but we have to learn somehow. Learn from your mistakes, that is how you got to where you are today & has made you who you are. Don't let them define you, but let them be an extension of what you can do to overcome them.
There are no easy answers, no simple way out of life. You just have to work with what God has dealt you and make the best of it. God will give you no more than he knows that you can handle. Life is what you make of it, it is precious and it is short... so make it count.
We only get one shot at it. There are no second chances. That is why they call it life, singular. So, if you are not happy with the way things are going in yours, make a change, do something about it. Go after your dreams, your hopes & aspirations. Set goals that you know you can accomplish. Sure, it might be a struggle in the beginning, as are most new things. But it will all be worth it in the end result, if you want it bad enough. Fight for what you want and for what you believe in. Put passion into everything that you do, and be sure that it shows when other people take notice. If it is good, they will see it. If it is great, they will praise you for it. And if it is amazing, they will tell others. You can become as infamous or as popular as you want to become. You have a voice, use it, be heard. Your opinion matters, so make it, but choose wisely. In order to take a leap of faith, you first must take that first step in the right direction.
Try to be the best person that you can be. If others are sad, try to make them smile. If others are crying, try to console them. If others are hurt, nurture them. If others are lost, help them. Think positive and positive things will happen. Think negative and negative things will happen. So try to always think positively. Life is whatever you make it out to be, take a chance and make it the best one you've got. This is your journey, choose the right paths and you will always get to where you are wanting to go. You can achieve anything, if you just believe and have faith.
And most importantly, love and you shall be loved!
Love always,
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